Climate and environment protection
The climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Environmental disasters all over the world and even on our doorsteps show us very clearly: climate protection matters to all of us! Leadership in technology and climate protection can and have to be in line with each other – this applies as well for the non-ferrous metal processing industries. We want to take responsibility and combine our climate-neutral initiatives in two categories:
- Climate-neutral manufacturing of machines
- Climate-friendly machine using
manufacturing of machines
Müller Engineering manufactures all machines in a complete climate-neutral way since 2014.
We avoid any kind of emissions. Our energy efficient factory building offers more than just a green corporate identity. A modern heating system and an efficient extraction system make it perfect. At the same time we use renewable energy which is produced by ourselves and if it is not enough we buy just green electricity. Ever since we produce more electricity on the roof of our factory building as needed.
Our machinery is constantly controlled with regard to its productivity and energy efficiency. When we procure new machines for primary manufacturing processes we cooperate just with suppliers with energy efficient processes. We avoid every type of material tourism and prefer local sources of supply.
Our direct CO2 emissions are generated by the use of energy in our production process, mounting, logistic and service. Our energy use and emission output we control and minimise with the help of practiced environment protection. This applies as well for our suppliers which are committed to use energy efficient and environmentally friendly processes. During the process of supplier selection we pay attention to their use of resources and their attitude towards climate protection.
The remaining not avoidable CO2 emissions are compensated with the help of specific actions and investments in sustainable local projects:
- 100 kW photovoltaic system
- 0,65 ha forest
- 1,2 ha wildflower meadow
- 0,2 ha habitat
- Beekeeping with beehouses
green machine using
Even during the production processes of our customer’s products of müller engineering save climate and resources. Since 2008 müller engineering optimises the energy and emission efficiency of its machines. In order to achieve this there are various ways:
- Energy efficient drive and heating systems, e.g. servo hydraulic systems
- Consumption optimised components, e.g. LED lighting
- Recovery of brake energy
- A smart control of every assembly, e.g. automatic switch-off
In comparison to the older machines it is possible to save up to 45% of energy. Additionally, we confer with our customers and give advices for an energy efficient process.
A final aspect is the high quality of our machines. Machines with a long life-cycle cause less costs and save the environment.
green technologies
Müller engineering and its developments have a focus on green technologies. Our customers produce on our machines highly innovative semi-finished products and parts. E.g. lithium semi-finished products which are used in high performance batteries, magnesium profiles which are used in light weight constructions, soldering wire for micro soldering and high performance powder-metallurgical materials used by “energy saver”. Together with our customers we focus on the production and enhancement of green technologies.